Aspen Group sought to speed up Malaysia’s path to a 100% vaccination rate with a campaign dubbed Vax To Win – a wellness initiative that offered fully vaccinated Malaysians a chance at a prize pool worth millions of ringgit, including Aspen Group properties and IKEA Gift Cards. They approached Aforemention for a digital strategy to spread the word across the nation.
Taking into account the time-sensitivity of the campaign, we set to work on Facebook and Google Ads campaigns. We created a series of posts and display ads for major events in the national vaccination programme, such as hitting the milestone 95% vaccination rate in conjunction with upcoming year-end holidays. Each collateral was created to entice participation through urgency and emphasis on prizes. While the requirement for a slogan was a challenge, we portrayed the required steps as a simple 3-step process to invite participation. At the tail end of the campaign, a final set of ads was put out to spur those who delayed their participation into action.
From October 2021 to March 2022, the Vax To Win campaign achieved: